Cissoko's APR effect not that bad?

Submitted by Wolverine In Exile on
In the Michigan Daily article updated today about Cissoko's dismissal… this quote from Wilcher, his HS coach, stuck out to me: "Wilcher said Cissoko struggled in his classes freshman year, but did 'whatever it took to make sure he got his grades.' " But Wilcher then later said: "Well, it depends on how he comes out with this right here," Wilcher said, adding that the decision hinges on Cissoko's grades. "I think he'll probably go someplace else and play." What this means to mean is that I think we may not have to worry about the dreaded double neg in APR hit for a player not being eligible and leaving. We'll get dinged for him leaving, but if we take Wilcher's quote at face value, he will likely be eligible at whatever other school he transfers to, unless Cissoko goes completely over the edge and starts making FuckLion raps. Then again, I could be all wrong.