cheap tickets

Submitted by Bringitback2a2 on
anybody know a site i can get cheap tickets? I'm looking for tickets to the Iowa game and Madison... And maybe Nebraska vs Oklahoma just for kicks


July 29th, 2009 at 1:51 PM ^

I like to use a combination of Craigslist, Ebay, and StubHub. Won't always find cheap tickets, but at least you will get a feel for what they are going for. Worst case go to the stadium day of the game and find people looking to get rid of a ticket.

In reply to by mcguire85


July 29th, 2009 at 2:21 PM ^

If there are cheap tickets available for a game (if it's not a rivalry or, heaven forbid, we're playing terribly) they'll be available at at least one of those sources. I've gotten tickets on eBay in sets of four for $25 a piece before. Just make sure if you're ordering them online and care who you're sitting by to check out the section/row/seat. The cheapest tickets are usually right in front of someone with a cane.


July 29th, 2009 at 2:16 PM ^

I am planning to go to the Wisconsin game in Madison this year and was looking around to see if I could buy tickets online. Most prices were outrageous (>$150). A Madison native told me that tickets are easily available outside the stadium on game day. Would anyone with experience buying Wisc tickets please share their experience on how to get good tickets at a reasonable price. Thanks.


July 29th, 2009 at 2:23 PM ^

I don't know about Wisconsin games in particular, but be willing to walk away if the price isn't right. Unless it's 20 minutes before the game, there's probably someone else with tickets, and usually if you're turning to leave they'll drop the price a bit.


July 29th, 2009 at 2:42 PM ^

Get up early, go to the bar across the street from the stadium for kegs & eggs (great bar - they turn the parking lot into a drinkin' patio before the game, there are old men wearing badger pelts on their heads, the Wisconsin band marches through - the patio, that is - on their way to the stadium . . . ). There are people there scalping tickets. You can also get them on the streets surrounding the stadium up until game time, similar to Ann Arbor.