Best of CL hits the Big House

Submitted by lastofthedogmen on March 25th, 2020 at 3:58 PM

Been binge reading Best of Craigslist while I’m holed up in my tarpaper shack deep in the forests of the UP.  Ran across this one, posted 10/25/2009. I’m guessing many of you were at that game. Perhaps one of you posted it. (Or perhaps were one of the couple the post is about... If so, how did you really feel about the finger probe?)

Thought it might brighten your spirits to read:


March 25th, 2020 at 8:49 PM ^

Best of CL is a godsend.. 

The snow nazi guy is a god.  I have seen coworkers literally on the floor laughing reading that shit.

The jo bro in philly. The chick with the shopping cart full of fruit! All classics..