9/11 where were you?

Submitted by randyfloyd on
14 years ago I awoke to a beautiful day, a perfect day. I decided to go out on my back porch and enjoy the morning a bit, instead of watching the news like I normally did. My neighbor came over and was freaking out, she told me to turn on the news, we are under attack. That day the world changed forever and I'll never forget those that were lost that day.


September 12th, 2015 at 12:04 AM ^

Woke up after going to the bathroom on the radio they said that tower 1 got hit thinking that it must have been maybe a small plain. Then 9:00AM tower 2 got hit then I realize that Bin Laden was behide the terrorist attack KVCC cancelled all classes that day along with WMU I went to work. Then once I got home watched the coverage on TV.


September 12th, 2015 at 7:17 AM ^

Turned on the monitor to hook up the projector and saw the news reporting the hit from the first plane.. none of us could believe what we were seeing..