The making of a Michigan Football Fan

Submitted by michigandadof4 on
On Saturday, my son (age 8) became a Michigan Football Fan. 

My son was a Michigan fan, but not a Michigan Football Fan until Saturday. On games days, he would (with prompting) wear Michigan clothes and would cheer when dad cheered, but was really more interested in Star Wars, Legos or "playing" than watching the game.  After the game, he would remember who won but not the details.  In short he was going through the motions and not really committed.

This always perplexed me. We raised him right. The only sports paraphenalia our kids are allowed to were are Michigan or the Detroit Red Wings.  The kids all learned to boo Ohio State at an early age and the Victors was one of the first songs they learned. 

Part of it is my fault.  We have had season tickets since he was born, but until Saturday he had only been to 3 Michigan football games. This is due in part to his own soccer/hockey schedule and in part due to my wife's desire to go to the games as well. 

Also, he was scarred by his very first game at the Big House.  The 2006 Northwestern game.  We had spoken for weeks that at football games we only leave our seats at halftime and that we stay for the whole game.  He was ready and he was excited.
We dressed as dryly and warmly as we could but it was miserable (I don't know what the actual temparature was but it felt like it was 36 degrees and it rained nonstop).  He started shivering before the end of the 1st quarter.  He made it until halftime on the promise of getting out of the rain and hot chocolate.  At the half, we crowded under the stadium and got our hot chocolates.  One sip  . . .  two sips  . . . No effect, I look closer and he is on the verge of tears.  I tell him that "it is ok if he wants to leave."  I carry him back to the car, wet, frozen and shaken.  He perks up a little on the drive back and listens to the game but isn't really interested.  Verdict: still a Michigan fan (phew).

Game 2 was the 2007 Notre Dame game.  He enjoyed it, but it didn't seem to make an impact on him. Verdict: still a Michigan fan

Game 3 was the 2008 Utah game.  He was hot and uncomfortable and again he enjoyed it, but it didn't seem to make an impact on him. Verdict: still a Michigan fan.

Game 4 was Saturday.  He was excited about going to the game, but not to the same extent I was.  While we carpooled with our friends who sit nearby, the adults talked about the game and my son read his Captain Underpants book. 

We arrive at the game early to watch warm ups.  My son's most important concern is what is he going to get.  Nachos.  Fine choice.  Works well with my pre-grame routine of Mr. Spots.  We watch the warm ups while he eats his Nachos. 

First half. He is standing on his seat for every play, but midway through the 2nd starts leaning against me in his "I'm tired" sort of way.  Halftime comes, he's so tired he doesn't even ask about going to the bathroom.  Good thing, I doubt we could have made it there and back during halftime.  He spends halftime, trying to take a nap on the bench.  

Second half. He gets up and is watching the game, but still leaning against me. As the quarter progresses, he gets a second wind and starts watching more intently and cheering louder.  By the end of the game, he is standing on the bench without leaning against me and screaming as loud as he can.  At the end of the game, he wants to be picked up so he can see the team in the corner singing the victors.  He joins in.  

Sunday morning.  He sees me watching the game on DVR.  Climbs onto the couch and watches it with me.  Providing commentary as we go.  "I remember that play dad."  "Watch what happens next dad."  "When can I go again dad."  Verdict:  Michigan Football Fan.



September 14th, 2009 at 2:29 PM ^

Was the excitement of my 15-year old niece, who I've never EVER even seen *watching* a sporting event. She was texting me throughout the second half, and it was awesome to see her getting into Michigan football, and getting emotional. Similar thing with my 6-year old nephew and 8-year old niece, who watched some of the game with me. Great story, michigandadof4. I'm guessing we could fill the comment section with a lot of similar stories. I'm guessing this game was the coming of age of a whole bunch of the new generation of Michigan fans.


September 14th, 2009 at 3:16 PM ^

My 6 year old really got into the game for the first time too. He re-watched the 4th quarter with me yesterday and was even more enthusiastic the 2nd time around.


September 14th, 2009 at 3:24 PM ^

Awesome story. I can't wait until one of these days when I'm a dad and I get to start my son on Michigan athletics. It's a life of ridicule (as I live in Indiana), but oh, it shall be! Go Blue!


September 14th, 2009 at 3:46 PM ^

I have been slowly weening my girlfriend with Michigan games, she has no football affiliation since she was a huge kansas basketball fan growing up, but she's been at ohio state going on 4 years and so started like OSU football. Luckily I think i finally i got to her she was saying how she was actually cheering and wanting michigan win while she was watching, so Mission sorta accomplished since she was still sad OSU lost....


September 14th, 2009 at 4:10 PM ^

With my Dad being from Iowa City, an Iowa alum and living in Battle Creek I never got my "Dad took me to a Michigan game and I became a Wolverine" moment. But I do remember when my dad, dressed in Iowa black and gold took me to the Big House to watch what he called, "an Iowa away game." I was six. I came back home a Michigan fan. So I guess in that sense, my dad did make me into a Wolverine. Thanks dad! I can't wait until I have that moment that you just experienced, thanks for sharing and GO BLUE!


September 14th, 2009 at 4:17 PM ^ with casual fans suddenly being transformed into Michigan Men because of games like this one. My dad got me into it while Bo was still coaching and I've never looked back. On Saturday my uncle from Alaska was sitting with me and hadn't been to a Michigan game in 30ish years. At the end he stood there, smiling, and simply said, "that was the best football game I've ever seen." Now he's hooked, he took "Bo's Lasting Lessons" with him on the plane and grabbed the Sunday papers to read all about the victory. The most fitting image for all of us should be the one that The Michigan Daily has on its front page, of Rich Rodriguez holding his son in his arms on the field and walking into the tunnel.


September 14th, 2009 at 5:06 PM ^

My only issue with your story is that you went to Mr. Spots. Otherwise, that is touching as hell and reminds me of how uncommitted my nephew is (then again, he is two and a half).


September 14th, 2009 at 5:41 PM ^

Brought my 13 y/o up from Atlanta for his birthday this past weekend. Wow! He's a diehard just like his dad. Friday he got to meet Nick Sheridan and Steve Schilling, Saturday we tailgated on the golf course and then the game! He hasn't stopped talking it since (in a hoarse voice of course). The kid is All In For Michigan!