Valenti didn't show up for work today.

Submitted by MaizeAndBlueManGroup on

Unbelievable. Mike Valenti isn't hosting his radio show today. Terry Foster just said "I have no idea where he is". This is one of the biggest cop outs I have ever heard of in the sports media world. If you're going to dish out that Sparty garbage on a daily basis, you have to show up and take your medicine after last night. But I'm sure him skipping the show today was just a coincidence. What an embarrasment. Any shred of credibility this shock jock had is completely gone now.

Sam Webb was right. What a hack.


January 28th, 2011 at 5:04 PM ^

Nope. See, my comment was not hating on Valenti.

I just find it interesting that as media-savvy as we are today, as smart (even jaded) as we are to contrivances, there are still a lot of people out there who don't know that the best way to react to a shock jock you hate is to not react at all.





January 28th, 2011 at 2:50 PM ^

I live 700 miles away, and even I'm happy he's not on the radio today.  He's a puppet who knows a couple of sports really well and the rest covers up his ignorance with rants.  I'm sure that the next time MSU beats UM at anything (probably Princeton Review's most-drunk schools list) he'll crow on about it.  


January 28th, 2011 at 3:08 PM ^

I thought i heard a commercial for his show on 97.1 yesterday for today show? Ya he was on it...So for him to say he planned this day off is BS. Why would you do a commercial if you werent going to be there?


January 28th, 2011 at 3:50 PM ^

they record the promos the day before whether they are going to be on or not. usually it'll say something like "hey tomorrow mike's not here but..." also the ones you hear before the show are done the day before too. so even though it says "hey today we're gonna talk about..." it was done the day before. 

I wouldn't be surprised if he did have this day planned off. usually he doesn't avoid this sort of stuff. yes he's a douche, but he has mindset of not backing down (whether its based in reality or not). 


January 28th, 2011 at 5:30 PM ^

......I swear I heard his voice on the way home. Maybe it was a hallucination. How sad.....hallucinations with 97.1 The Ticket in them......but I am more of a Karsch & Anderson fan. 


January 28th, 2011 at 5:37 PM ^

No you're right.  I just turned it on and it's him on the radio.  So I don't know if he want through his whole ordeal but he's on air.  edit: perhaps it was just a clip.... after break he's not one of the ones talking anymore. hmmm....

They just played the college feed to the ball game.  Oh they didn't it again.  Foster is laughing his ass off.


January 28th, 2011 at 7:45 PM ^

I don't care where Mike Valenti is or what he is saying about my team or any team for that matter.

Detroit sports talk radio is insipid garbage


January 28th, 2011 at 11:28 PM ^

It would have been enjoyable to hear him talk about "Stewie" Douglas today.  I don't think there's any player ripped more by Valenti than the guy who nailed the coffin.

el segundo

January 29th, 2011 at 11:03 AM ^

That Valenti is doing this to hype the show?

Here's the strategy:  on a day when many listeners will tune in to hear Valenti's rant against his own team, or to hear him fight off gloating UM fans, he mysteriously disappears, without any real reason for his absence.  This makes the audience think he's being a pussy, and it creates extra anticipation for Monday's show.

Monday's show follows a slow sports weekend.  No NFL; no big events; a little too early for Super Bowl talk. By creating a controversy with his absence, Valenti transforms a day that will likely have bad ratings into a day that will likely have good ones.

Previous posters were right:  the best way to respond to someone like Valenti is to ignore him.  He wants negative attention just as much as he wants positive attention.  If you don't like him, just don't give him any attention at all.