Basketball team donations

Submitted by CaliUMfan on

This may be considered soliciting and if this is not ok, I appologize and feel free to take it down but I am coaching an inner city high school basketball team South Los Angeles and we need to raise money for transportation to games for the 2016/2017 season. I figured since it is sports and charity related, it was worth a shot throwing it up here and seeing if we could get any support. 

If I get any kids that end up being recruited by Michigan, I'll be sure to encourage them to do the right thing  ;)

We are back

June 15th, 2016 at 1:20 PM ^

This guy is trying to do an honorable thing and you guys are just poking fun at him for no reason. Just because these guys are being pricks to you, I'm going to donate when I get home.

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June 15th, 2016 at 1:47 PM ^

They take 8-10% which is insane. Then, there's no accountabiliy. I can find a Getty image of a burnt down house and say my neighbor's house burned down. Give me all your money, I'll donate to my neighbors, or I'll just keep the money for myself with no legal ramifications.