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I've been reading this blog

I've been reading this blog for two years now, but I've never posted. I'm sure I'll be "negbanged" into oblivion for putting in my input, but oh well. My question is this. Why does it matter if he received money? Yes, it might be against the rules, but does it help him any when it comes to playing football? If he's the best college football player in america, then he's the best college football player in america. What does it matter if he received 180k? I highly doubt the 180k, or whatever amount of money people are saying he was asking for, made him play any better. You don't start playing better just because you're getting paid to play. Actually, one of the reasons I don't like the NFL is exactly that. A lot of the times you can tell they aren't giving it their all, because they are getting paid to play. It doesn't really matter if they don't give it their all every play, because regardless they are getting a ridiculous paycheck.

Ok thank you, I wasn't aware Ok thank you, I wasn't aware of that. Edited first post with the links you provided.
That's because you can't do a That's because you can't do a direct link to a specific video with the mgoblue media center. When you get to the link click "Topics" and then scroll down to football. You should see the interviews, and all other media about Michigan Football.