Top College Football Blogs?

Submitted by WolvinLA on
I was reading in my HTTV 2009 last night (much to the dismay of my girlfriend) and I saw that MGoBlog was the top college football blog in terms of hits. Does anyone have a link to the statistics showing this? Not that I don't believe it, I'm actually not surprised, but I'd like to see how far ahead we are, and what other sites are near the top with us. I tried to google it, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. Any help would be appreciated.


August 21st, 2009 at 4:21 PM ^

Brian's count is kept at the bottom of every page: Here's EDSBS, which I assume is #2, but I don't know for sure. EDIT: I should note that you should look at the average per day totals instead of just TOTAL as Brian has switched sites more recently. Once EDSBS moves to SBNation, his total figuratively starts over as well.


August 21st, 2009 at 4:28 PM ^

It's a guess, but a solid one. But you can see public stats on this blog here: Orson's are here, and I'm pretty sure he's #2: That's about 25%. I don't have DocSat numbers, and can't think of anyone else who'd be close. The best SBN blogs IME are BON and RTT ...and they're way off. BGS used to be the biggest because of ND Nation but Quantcast estimates they're well behind now:

Moe Greene

August 21st, 2009 at 8:57 PM ^

They get extra page hits credited everytime someone says "BRAH!" But seriously folks, we should just stop talking about this. Lord knows "Sparty college blog dominance" will be a piece in the Freep this weekend....


August 21st, 2009 at 10:25 PM ^

I had no idea this blog received so many page views. I'm curious how this volume correlates with the success of the team. If RR starts to annually contend for national titles, will the page views experience a significant increase?