There are...

Submitted by Denarded on


days until Jeremy, Tony, and the rest of the Wolverines begin fall practice.


There are also...

days until David Molk and the rest of the Wolverines take down the Broncos.


There are also...

days until the Spartans fall on their own turf.


There are also...

days until the Tresseless Buckeyes fall victim to Brady Hoke's Wolverines.


July 15th, 2011 at 12:46 AM ^

It could be just me, but this offseason has pretty much flown by so's amazing what having nice things does for a person/fanbase. Of course, now that I say this the next 50 days will seem like 500 days. 

Franz Schubert

July 15th, 2011 at 7:59 AM ^

for the reason this off season has flown by is simply because its been shorter. Having missed bowl games for 2 seasons we were forced to suffer from November to September rather than the usual January to September. Of course all the positive recruiting news has helped also.


July 15th, 2011 at 8:26 AM ^

Can someone explain to me how the protection metric works in UFR?  I get the minuses but I don't get why some pass plays have no mention of protection while others get 1/1 or even 2/2 without mentioning any players.