Novelty Uniforms -- A Compromise Proposal

Submitted by KSmooth on

It seems to me that the rationale behind these novelty uniforms is that they appeal to players and make the program more attractive to recruits.  I have my doubts about that but I'm not in a position to know.

Seems to me though that there's one way to know for sure: put it to a vote of the players.  So we do a secret ballot.  If they like the unis, the rest of us can put up with them.  If the players don't like them, we send them back.

Let the players decide -- whaddya say Brandon?


August 9th, 2014 at 1:50 PM ^

I'll do it, and then charge you $10 to find out the results. If you want to know them before everyone less, that's an extra $5. If you want to sponsor the poll, let me know. Naming rights are $1,000.

EastCoast Esq.

August 9th, 2014 at 1:56 PM ^

How about we stop worrying so much about the uniforms? You know that the off-season has been going on too long when Michigan fashion is a trending topic on MGoBlog.






