Jabrill Peppers video diary from his unofficial visit

Submitted by denardogasm on

I'm surprised no one has posted this yet.  Jabrill apparently took a lot of video while on his trip to Michigan last summer and put together a diary of sorts to show why he committed.  He's doing it in episodes.  The first episode is 15 minutes long, so it's a good fix.  It's pretty clear that he wanted to come here before he even stepped off the plane and those feelings were solidified more every step of the way.  

(I don't have the patience to figure out the embedding again but here's the link.  Somebody help me out.)



February 8th, 2014 at 12:43 PM ^

You have to earn everything nothing is given to you. If someone gives you something give it back you didnt earn it.

I cant wait to see this kid playing in the Big House on saturdays


February 8th, 2014 at 1:37 PM ^

At the beginning of his recruitment I was a little critical of a few things I saw from Jabrill.  I just want to say that I think I was wrong.  It's been a while since I've been critical of him as I have seen more and more of him and of course probably got excited too about his talent, but I just wanted to go on record and say I WAS WRONG.  I don't mind saying something negative if I believe it's just, but I will also admit when I'm wrong and show praise too when it's deserving.  Jabrill seems like a good kid, smart, great smile, positive guy, out going and likes to have fun, with confidence in himself.  I don't think he's the cocky, ego-driven, attention seeking, self-centered guy I thought he may have been at first.  My bad Jabrill...excited to watch you soon!