Les Miles on Campus Yesterday

Submitted by SkyPanther on

Les Miles was visiting assistant RB coach Alfonso Smith yesterday. Picture on twitter:




Was he in town for the Lloyd Carr Roast/Chad Tough Charity? Or just to visit?


One can only hope he's being added to the team as an assistant in the running game, to work with Ed Warriner. Would be nice to see him working in the Oklahoma drills:

6:27 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWn68_lLRFU



But he's probably just on campus to visit.



May 21st, 2018 at 9:42 AM ^

Take it from a woman-guys should not dye their hair. Ever. Never ever. And those shoes—yikes.

I used to kind of have the hots for that guy.

I’m cured.


May 21st, 2018 at 12:24 PM ^

Sorry, but dying your hair, as a man, does say something about you as a person. It says something about your self-perception, and your awareness of how others perceive you. And what is says ain't good. 


May 21st, 2018 at 12:35 PM ^

with him not being inserted onto the coaching staff. We have good guys now. If we couldn't get Warinner and he wanted to be an OL coach, then maybe. But I'm happy with where we are now. Lets leave the OL and run game with one master and one plan.