
March 16th, 2017 at 7:54 PM ^

Well stated. I tell my patients there are other options, but usually they go with colonoscopy after I tell them the preps are essentially the same and they may need to have a colonoscopy anyway if something is found. Honestly, I'm probably biased and if I'm being truthful I may lead them a bit, but that's because I truly believe it.


March 16th, 2017 at 7:50 PM ^

I'm a gastroenterologist; finally, my time to shine! 

Are you 50 or older? Get a colonoscopy.

Has a family member had colon cancer? Get a colonoscopy (probably, depending on ages, more complicated than I'm willing to write here.)

EVERY patient I've done a colonoscopy on has said that the prep is the worst part. It isn't as bad as it used to be, but still can taste pretty bad, as some have sulfates in them. There are flavored versions, but not all insurances cover the flavored ones. The colonoscopy itself is a breeze the vast majority of the time.


March 16th, 2017 at 8:29 PM ^

Suprep is one that has sulfates, so it is one of the worse tasting ones, or so I'm told. But it is less volume (most are 4L total), which is a plus. But there are other options, so when you're due for the next one, ask for a different prescription, like NuLytely with flavor packets. Although you may need to check with your insurance, because most insurances have one or two that they prefer. 


March 16th, 2017 at 7:57 PM ^

51 here I need to do this but afraid they may find Kilroy, a lost GI Joe doll or something truly horrific. But the peace of mind would be great as well

Wolverine In Iowa

March 16th, 2017 at 9:52 PM ^

Pretty sure I related my colonoscopy experience from a couple of years ago, but here goes again:

Dad died of colon cancer when I was a senior at U-M.  He was 64.

Mom, an oncology nurse, said that I would get my first colonoscopy at age 45

Mom did not forget - badgered the shit out of me, so to speak

Prep:  Nasty stuff, but did it faithfully.  The directions said that an hour after the first dose, the "effects" would kick in.  It was an hour on the nose, and I got attacked by one of my cats when I was hustling to the can.  Everyone thought that was funny.

Procedure:  I elected to get knocked out.  I helped by passing out when the nurse was trying to get the IV in on the top of my hand.  Very embarrassing.  They brought in someone else to get the IV in the side of my wrist.  So, I'm lying on my side in the "endoscopy suite," and next thing I know, after some brief conversation with the nurse anesthetist and others, I'm on my back, coming to.  Thank you propofol (I think).  First time I've ever been knocked out.  Best part was the doctor telling me I was clean as a whistle, I had done a good job of prepping, and then showing me a picture of my anus from the inside.  It is still on the refrigerator.  He said to come back in ten years.


March 17th, 2017 at 6:58 AM ^

haven't been to a doctor in a number of years..don't even have one really.  Still In my twenties so indestructable, really.  But, is it your general doctor that performs this?  Or a specialist?