Best/Worst Tailgating in the Big Ten?

Submitted by SBo on

Best- Wisconsin

Worst- MSU (haven't been to Rutgers, Maryland, Illinois, or Purdue)


June 18th, 2016 at 9:45 PM ^

Fuck OSU....
Best: Wisconsin hands down
Worst: OSU. - they are some rude ass mother fuckers...

I will add that state can be such a mix. Been there 4 times and usually ok, but it can escalate quick

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June 19th, 2016 at 9:28 AM ^

Been to every Big Ten venue at this point outside Rutgers.  Freshly made hot takes:

Lincoln, especially, is an underrated party atmosphere.  Friendly people, open fields for walking, quality BBQ, etc.

Iowa is very similar, except even more of a college town. 

Hands down worst is Purdue.  Absolutely no electricity around the town about their football (I went during the Joe Tiller era, and it still was lacking). 

Ones worth seeing: MSU, OSU, PSU, Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin

Meh: Minnesota, NW (Chicago is a fun town, at least), Maryland, Illinois

Skip it: Purdue


Der Alte

June 19th, 2016 at 10:44 AM ^

I've visited most BIG sites over the years --- including Wisconsin and OSU  --- but have found none that beat the UM tailgating experience, either at the golf course or in the Victors/Champions sections near the stadium. 

And yeah, that relegation to the MSU outback on Farm Lane or wherever, the ever-vigilant Kampus Kops looking for anything alcoholic, and that trip on the damn bus to and from the staduim make Moo U the worst tailgate in the conference --- at least among the seven or eight I've visited.