Let's Have An "Endzone" User Q&A Comment Count


51OXJPqGd-L._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_[1]Now that many of you have had time to read Endzone, I asked John Bacon if he'd answer whatever questions you have about it or the events that transpired therein. And hell, if you've got questions for me about the relatively minor role I play in said book fire away.

Now, Bacon can't answer questions like "whyyyyyyy" or "how did this even I don't even what is going on." Also, some things he left out of the book are things he can't go on the record about—that's why they're not in the book. There were many cuts for reasons other than an inability to confirm or get someone on the record, though, so if there are holes you wonder about there's a decent chance he can fill in the gaps.

We'll collect the questions left in the comments, pick the ones that Bacon can actually answer, and then have them answered. That's the way a Q&A works. You've seen it before. You know the drill. You may even perceive that I'm just typing until the text is of sufficient length to  get past the image. That's the Michigan Difference.



November 24th, 2015 at 6:03 AM ^

Someone emailed me asking where this Q&A is. Bacon's had it mostly done for awhile but there was one question about the typos that his publisher had to be the one to answer. Since "are you going to fix those?" also means "is there going to be a second print?" that couldn't be answered right away.

There is an answer now, but OSU week is jammed so expect this to come in the offseason.