Sunday Morning (Coffee) Drinking Thread

Submitted by 901 P on

At this point we know about the Friday/Saturday night adult beverage preferences of the MGo crowd. I'm guessing some of the folks here are pretty obsessive about their morning beverages as well--especially how they make/drink their coffee. I'm no connossieur: I have a pretty basic drip coffee machine. I go with about a 50-50 mix of dark roast (usually Starbucks French roast or espresso) that I grind, combined with pre-ground coffee from the grocery store. Mostly this is a way to keep down costs, as I tend to drink quite a bit of coffee. I brew it relatively strong and take it with cream.  

So before we purge the board of such mundane topics: what are you drinking this morning? (Other than the obvious: whole milk.) Coffee, tea, or a little something to help your hangover? French press? AeroPress? Keurig? Pour-over? Any particular type of beans? Or do you grab it from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts or a local coffee shop? Black, cream, sugar? Any other additives? 


August 23rd, 2015 at 2:06 PM ^

The Aeroccino is a God machine. It makes perfect foam. And no, I don't work for Nespresso or profit in any way from the sale if said item.

I read the SF Chronicle (pathetic excuse for a paper, but no other choice) and catch up on the week's unread Wall Street Journals (i.e. a real paper) while enjoying that concoction.

Footnote: During the week, MGoWife brings me the abovementioned beverage while I'm on the crapper catching up on the latest MGoBlog posts. Then, to the shower and off to work.

74 ZRide

August 23rd, 2015 at 2:25 PM ^

Anything from Mighty Good Coffee! You can get the beans from most grocerty stores in Ann Arbor and grind them yourself. They also have 3 cafes in Ann Arbor.

In Detroit, Roasting Plant is also fantastic! They also have 2 locations in Manhatten.


August 23rd, 2015 at 6:16 PM ^

I'm a bit of a french press guy myself. Caribou beans with a hand-operated burr grinder. I usually follow these brewing steps: 

  1. After boiling let water stand for 30 seconds to cool (apparently boiling is less than ideal for making coffee)
  2. Pour it into the press with the beans and wait 30 more seconds
  3. Stir
  4. Let stand 4 minutes

Usually comes out with a pretty good cup, but hey I am no expert.