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"What?" - Mark Dantonio

May the defense give us many data points on whether or not the location of Peppers catching MSU punts follows a Poisson distribution, just like the rocket landing sites followed that pattern in London in the book.

I'll second that RAGBRAI is awesome.

I'll second that RAGBRAI is awesome. It's pretty neat to be part of a river of 15,000 cyclists, getting sucked along the road by the draft from everyone else. I've ridden a number of other multi-day rides, and I don't think there's anything else quite like it. 

One of the main points is to eat a ton of food, and every community group you can think of in every town on the route has baked food that they are selling to riders. I get hungry just thinking about it. The people along the route are extremely friendly as well. A few of us stopped on the side of the road in one town to wait for some friends, and started talking to a guy who was sitting there on his lawn watching everyone go by. After a couple of minutes, he offered us all beers, and I didn't get the sense that his actions were particularly uncommon. 

Go for it

I rode ODRAM a couple of years ago, and it's a really neat ride. At the time, it started at Meinert Park rather than Montague Middle School, so you really got to ride from lake to lake in one day. It's pretty neat to have such well-defined start and end points.

The ride is basically unsupported as mentioned above, but they give you lunch about halfway across the state and dinner in Bay City. Lots of riders had their own support vehicles meeting them periodically throughout the day, and I'm sure any of them would be happy to help if something went seriously wrong with you or your bike. There are a few small towns with convenience stores along the way, but make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks. 

The route doesn't have many hills, and the last 50 miles are completely flat - the largest "hill" in that stretch is probably riding an overpass to get over a highway. It also goes west to east, so you are likely to have a tailwind most of the time. The scenery is nice but nothing spectacular: forest, farmland, and sometimes riding alongside a river.