WAY OT: Diplomacy

Submitted by MMBhorn on
Anyone on this board a fan of the game Diplomacy? There's a great website that lets you play on line. I'm looking to get a new game going, and in my experience the diplomatic aspect of the game goes better if the players have some sort of common background (as opposed to complete strangers playing.) I have turns set to a 48 hour time limit, so it's not like you have to be able to check the game all the time. If you're interested, go make an account at www.phpdiplomacy.net Once you've done that, you can join my game here: http://phpdiplomacy.net/board.php?gameID=11505&join=on&gamepass=6870673… Password is: goblue It's a great way to pass the time through the barren football wasteland that is called June. EDIT: 2nd link should be working now.


June 10th, 2009 at 11:52 AM ^

Misopogal got me out of that thing about a month before the last expansion. Like any war, when you get out you will miss the camaraderie and the thrill of victory, but having your life back is well worth the bore of peace. If you need help leaving, try explaining to a loved one who doesn't play WoW why the last epic you got is so great.