SI: UM v. Missouri - Insight Bowl

Submitted by jtmc33 on
SI's bowl predictions have UofM verse Missouri in the Insight Bowl. EDIT: that would give UM a 6th/7th place finish, probably 7-5 record (in line with the Gophers "great" Insight Bowl season last year). Question is (and setting aside SI's horrible job at predicting anything... let alone college football), whould you take that right now as a guaranteed 2010 outcome... a 7-5 record with an Insight Bowl Bid, or would you roll the dice on something better (or worse: the PizzaPizzaMotorBowl, or another Death by MAC season)?


August 12th, 2009 at 4:58 PM ^

I think I'd roll the dice and see what happens. I do think that this team (at least the first team guys) are good enough to do better than 7-5. Now then, if that 7-5 record came with guaranteed wins over ND, MSU, and OSU, then I'd take the guarantee.


August 12th, 2009 at 5:16 PM ^

My first thought was also PSU but I sure don't want to lose to Indiana just because of the embarrassment of doing so. But I think I'd still have to go with PSU anyways, I just love the idea of continually owning them and JoePa. Now then, if Iowa was doing amazing and was becoming a "darkhorse Big 10 contender" as every media outlet seems to say will happen (but then not put into their top 3) I might choose to beat them over PSU. But I'd probably still choose PSU.


August 12th, 2009 at 5:09 PM ^

I'd take the Insight Bowl. Our buddy Rittenberg has Michigan in the Motor City Bowl, while Schlabach has us in the Champ Sports and Feldman in the PapaJohns Bowl. Personally, any bowl game seems attractive at the moment.


August 12th, 2009 at 6:23 PM ^

I would say 7-5 or 8-4 would be a pretty good season for us this year. I don't know what exact bowl game we would be in but any bowl game itself is great for me after last year.