OT: Opportunity to meet Tressel

Submitted by ldoublee on

Background information:

I live in NE Ohio and work in a corporate office that has about 40 people.  I am the ONLY Michigan fan (shocking, I know), and I constantly take crap from these know-nothing "fans".  On top of that, our company owners are very strong Christians and with JT's espoused beliefs, it makes him a semi-deity around here.

So as you can imagine, Tressel's lying & covering up of the tattoo scandal have provided me with loads of ammo in the good fight.

Last night as I checked my phone, I saw an email come in from the head of Human Resources:

Team, John Maxwell and Coach Tressel will be speaking at Ohio Christian University on 4/26/11 @ 6:00pm. (See attached brochure)<company name removed> has already purchased seats for this evening event and would like to bless those who would like to go. If you would like to attend, please get back with me no later then 4/21/11.

Let me know…

For any of you not familiar with John Maxwell, he is a famous author & leadership coach who has had a few books sell over a million copies.  He's also a close personal friend of one of the owner's of our company and JT.

So, the question popped in my head: 'What to do?'  The first thing I did was reply to the email:  Will Tressel be autographing any items?  I'm awaiting an answer.  Assuming he is signing items, I came up with some fun ideas.

1) Print out the email chain between JT and Chris Cicero and get it autographed.

2) Get JT to sign something "I will get on it asap !! jt !!"

3) Get a picture of myself in UM apparel giving the double thumbs up while JT signs the emails or other memorabilia like the autograph event of a few weeks ago.

These were just off the top of my head, and in between snarky responses, I'm sure the MGoBoard can come up with some good ones as well.

coastal blue

April 12th, 2011 at 6:51 PM ^

Why is everyone acting like he is committing a crime??

If he is going with the people he works with, they'd probably appreciate the humor.

Worst case scenario: JT refuses to sign and looks uptight and humorless. You don't lose anything from the experience and sticking it to the Buckeye Commander and Chief is something you can tell all your grandkids about.

Best case scenario: JT looks surprised that you were ballsy enough to do it and then laughs about it and signs away.

Either way it's a great story.

Reminds of when Sarah Palin came to sign books at our mall and my buddy and I went out and bought copies of Obama's "Audicity of Hope" for her to sign. Unfortunately security wouldn't let us, but we had a great time planning it.