OT: Judge orders Brady, NFL to last minute settlement talks

Submitted by BlueTuesday on

From the AP via The World Wide Leader. It's a short article. Sorry no link.

Quotes of interest:


Judge Richard Berman on Tuesday ordered the sides to have "further good faith settlement efforts" prior to the first meeting since the sides took the scandal known as "Deflategate" to federal court.


Berman directed NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady to join lawyers in his robing room to discuss negotiations prior to a public hearing.


I'm not sure either side is willing to budge. I'm putting my money on Brady.


August 11th, 2015 at 5:58 PM ^

Tom said he likes the ball on the softer side.  Ball person makes the ball soft.  What are the odds that Tom Brady had any idea of the PSI reading of the ball?  The league didn't measure the ball with a calibrated gauge, that means to me that the ball could have been low or high or just right but they will never know because you can't go back and know for sure what it read.  Whether the ball was low high or just right I am sure Brady went by feel.  That is why the NFL let teams have there own balls, so the QB gets a ball that feels right.  None of that matters its all about process now.


Michigan Made

August 11th, 2015 at 9:15 PM ^

Was there anything to the phone gone missing so texts couldn't be verified accusations? And also, didn't they prove that there were numerous texts sent between him and the ball personnel?


August 11th, 2015 at 9:23 PM ^

Patriots personnel from the phone records of Patriots employees. There was no way Brady, the Patriots union representative, was going to give them his phone, which would have included numerous texts dealing with union issues. The NFL knew this and used the phone issue to avoid having to defend a flawed report accusing Brady of deflating footballs. They instead accused him of not cooperating with the investigation. The problem is this is there should have been no investigation because the basis for the accusations was flawed to begin with.