Open thread - polls with Michigan Hoops #1

Submitted by Butterfield on

Seth Davis' poll recieved its own thread yesterday, I would imagine a slew of unofficial polls (and hopefully the big 2) report similar results later today.

Gary Parrish (CBS Sports) agrees: 

As Coach B said, it's great to see for the fans, but in the grand scheme of things the only things that matter are winning the conference and being the last team to win a game in the tourney. 

Please add on to the thread with any polls/power rankings with our boys at the top!


Darth Wolverine

January 28th, 2013 at 12:43 PM ^

Damn I am jacked for the game Saturday night. I just realized it is a 9:00 PM game. I know we still have NW Wednesday night, but I'm not worried about them. Clearly the Indy one will be the game of the day in all of basketball.