New Book by Dhani Jones

Submitted by MGoShoe on

Dhani Jones (with co-author Jonathan Grotenstein) has a new book that will be released 7 June. The Sportsman: Unexptected Lessons from an Around-the-World Sports Odyssey is available for pre-order from Amazon for $16.28.

Now in his 11th season in the NFL, Dhani Jones has had an unusually long career for a football player. Just a few years ago, however, Dhani thought his playing days were over. Cut by the Eagles and the Saints, he was at a professional crossroads. When the Bengals called, though, he was more than ready and in the best shape of his life. And for that, he credits his off-season.
The Sportsman follows Dhani’s discovery that the parts of his life that, to many, seemed to be distractions— including an off-season TV show that sent him around the world to learn and compete in other sports—actually served to cross-train him in ways he’d never imagined, enabling him to become more grounded, globally aware, and, most surprisingly, a much better football player.
Part travelogue, part workout guide, part Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Sportsman is an invigorating account of Dhani’s global sporting adventures and the lessons he has learned along the way. From dragon boat racing in Singapore to carrying 300-pound rocks in Iceland to biking in Italy, Dhani’s adventures taught him to be tougher, smarter, and stronger than ever. The Sportsman is a reminder that by connecting to the world through its people and customs and the spirit of competition, we empower ourselves in ways that can surpass our craziest expectations.

The chapter about Dhani's time at Michigan is available at Google Books. It's an interesting read. As a fan of Dhani for his renaissance man approach to life, I'm adding this one to my library.


June 2nd, 2011 at 11:56 PM ^

...plugging my company again. 


Kindle version is also available for $10.  Works cross platforms, so you don't need a Kindle to read it -- though if you enjoy long form reading a Kindle will be your friend forever. 


June 3rd, 2011 at 12:25 AM ^

Jones used his position to badmouth a Michigan coach while he was coaching Michigan (calling him "terrible" and saying "I'm not cool with him").

While I think he seems like a cool guy otherwise, he's definitely on a list of ex-players I will always have a harder time remembering fondly.




June 3rd, 2011 at 12:25 AM ^

I'm literally right in the middle of watching "Dhani Jones Travels the Globe: Season 1", the episode where he goes to Spain to play jai alai.


June 3rd, 2011 at 12:30 AM ^

Dhani is just right for it. Respectful enough to not come off as an ugly American, and smart enough to show us in a good light as an ambassador, while still having enough competitive spirit to use his athletic abilities to give a good showing in the sports tailored to his abilities. If anything, I hope this lock out at least guarantees us another season.


June 3rd, 2011 at 3:31 AM ^

Welcome to Does It Smell Anymore? with Dhani Jones. I'm Dhani Jones. I'm pretty sure it does not smell.

I'll put his book right next to Bo's Lasting Lessons.


June 3rd, 2011 at 9:39 AM ^

I loved the episode of "Dhani Jones Travels the Globe" when he went to I believe England to play rugby. As a former rugby player, it was interesting to see just how different the skill sets between football and rugby players are despite the game having many similarities. Although he was decently skilled and would have excelled with more experience, his cardio was definitely lagging. I'm sure he could have absolutely smashed on someone in a one-on-one collision though.