MSM blog - ESPN blogosphere???

Submitted by old fan on

So ESPN is launching a "blogosphere".  What does it mean for the main stream media to have a blogosphere?  Is this still a blog if the post is still sent through a series of editors?  Isn't the same as posting an article for them.  Does this make Simmons writing  an article or a blog?

I also thought that ESPN were going to give Brian credit since they have Rodriguez as the front of the home page for the blogosphere story.  However they are acting like they have everything that you need to know in thier "blogosphere" and perhaps even created the concept.  They have "liftoff" and "everything covered" according to them.   I wonder if they are going to cover every play of every game. 

old fan

July 24th, 2008 at 2:11 PM ^

Ms. Wolverine, you missed my point. I thought it was a story about the collection of bloggers that cover different sports. I didn't think that it was about how ESPN is trying to incorporate blogging into thier main stream world, creating a "blogosphere" where only thier paid employees contribute. Sorry for the confusion. I do not think that Brian created blogging, but any credible "blogosphere" about Michigan or the Big Ten would discuss what is already out there. (Such as the links on the side of this page.)