HTTV Mailing: Do We Have Your Address?

Submitted by Seth on

coming soon to a specified mailbox if one has indeed been specified.

We're sending out the first rounds this week. Answer your gadurn emails you furm purg wurgerfergers. Especially you, two guys who ordered it rush shipped but haven't told us where to ship it in such a hurry. You, guy with the deftones handle who got overly excited about Denard before anyone else did. You, guy who played on the hockey team and could teach some of these whippersnappers a thing or two about full shifts. You, guy who has three similar email addresses, none of which have responded. You, head marketing director of Wisconsin. You, person who went paintballing recently who doesn't want me to sick Jadaveon Clowney on you again. Check your inboxes. Then check your spam boxes. Then check that hotmail account you use to sign up for things and never check because NewEgg took it over and is throwing parties with Groupon and your mother in law's heartwarming uberthreaded forwards.

It is coming.


July 9th, 2013 at 11:22 PM ^

I went to KickStarter and saw I had a message I filled out the stuff the four forms and then got an order confirmation email from UGP but, I never got an email from you(being seth) so anyways my question is it says cart closed july 1. Am I still good?


July 10th, 2013 at 10:29 AM ^

Yep. What I did was take the list of emails from the Kickstarter, did a vlookup against the list of emails on UGP, found all of the obvious errors, then emailed the remaining people from the kickstarter who hadn't filled out a UGP form. After contacting a few people, all of the UGP orders currently match a kickstarter, meaning there's nobody who filled out the form on UGPogo (of those I'm handling--which is the just-books orders) who needs to worry.


July 10th, 2013 at 12:02 PM ^

Seth, my sent mail is huge.  I think I sent a reply but am looking for it to make sure.  What's the email address that I would have received the message from?


July 10th, 2013 at 4:28 PM ^

You know, if you want to stalk me you could just hang out near the subway like the rest of the drifters.  Asking for my address just feels lazy; earn your creeper tag Brian!