Basketball Awards Banquet

Submitted by PeteM on

The basketball awards dinner was tonight at Crisler.  It seemed a bit less crowded than the past couple of years for understandable reasons, but was still well-attended.  Matt Shepard started the evening with a touching story about a nephew who was paralyzed snowboarding, explaining that soon after Beilein approached him offering Matt's family use of Beilein's up north cottage while his nephew was being treated.  He then announced Coach Beilein to a standing ovation.

The highlights of these dinners are the serious and comic awards, both voted on by the players.  Among the latter Kam Chatman won speaks most/knows least and best dancer,  Austin Hatch won most generous, Spike was best dressed, and DJ Wilson was named first to get married.  Beilein suggested DJ see a barber before the ceremony.  Among the former category Zak and Spike tied for MVP, Aubrey won most improved, and Max won the 6th man award.  Max gave a nice senior speech.  Nothing really quotable -- basically thanking parents and coaches and teammates -- but he seemed sincere and I felt his fellow players were sorry to see him go as they called out "moose" and made bullwinkle antlers with their hands as he approachd the podium.  


April 15th, 2015 at 10:32 PM ^


April 16th, 2015 at 1:08 AM ^

Congrats to all the players.   Built a lot of character this year that will have a huge payout starting this upcoming season.