Anonymous Posting

Submitted by big gay heart on

i didn't mind the ability to read/make anonymous posts. the registration problem on halo scan was primarily rooted in the fact that people were being jerk offs and handle jacking and just generally wierding us all out on occasion.

But now that handle jackings are no longer possible, i can't see the harm in anonymous posts. sometimes people may have good insight but not write anything because they dont want to register. i know that i personally hate registering to write comments.

like, today. i was reading this article:

i really wanted to light some people up in the comments section. but i didn't because i didn't want to take the time to register. it's a pain:

1. think of screen name

2. register

3. think of password

4. re-set password like 8 times because it doesn't meet the character specifications.  

5. check e-mail for super secret verfication link

6. repeatedly forget password every time i log into site 

7. get new password re-emailed to me

laziness? sure. but don't let laziness limit the diverse voices that we all hold so dear. the interwebs is for all people. 







July 1st, 2008 at 12:04 AM ^

just use a formula for making pw. of course if someone breaks ur code, then ur in trouble, they might go making crazy comments on some pointless articl... oh wait, nevermind.