What Michigan related things are you not all that thankful for?

Submitted by willywill9 on

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I've noticed friends discussing/listing out things they're thankful for.  I consider myself to be a positive, often naive homer, and am thankful for many things. 

However, that shouldn't stop us from being realistic.  Sometimes life as a Michigan fan can be tough.  As such, I wanted to start a thread in which we all can throw all of the things we're not all that thankful for.  (NOTE: Please keep it respectful to our Athletes, Coaches etc.  There's no need to throw anyone under the bus, this should be all in good fun.)

Mods, strike this if this is inappropriate, I just figured it'd be cathartic to list out crap that makes us a bunch of sad pandas.

  1. The official who blew the whistle prematurely on the Lynch goal, essentially costing Michigan the game against  Miami (YTM-Hockey) and consequently, ending the team's amazing run.
  2. Pam Ward (I'll spare you a photo)
  3. Pam Ward's leather jacket (See #2)
  4. Donovan Warren's decision to leave early :(
  5. Ohio State using The Game as publicity for their tacky throwback tendencies (Photo courtesy of user Dnak438)
  6. Troy Woolfolk's ankle injury
  7. I didn't attend a home game this year (I did attend the ND game...Yay!)
  8. The banning of the HE16MAN (and other tshirts on MGoBlog)
  9. MSU's Big Ten Football Schedule (Not playing OSU)
  10. Any Michigan fan who boo's.  We're better than that.

    What are you not thankful for?


November 23rd, 2010 at 3:58 PM ^

1. Mo Taylor rolling that Explorer.

2. Crable late hit.

3. The trainer who hit Henne's nerve with that shot.

4. Mike Boren.

5. Evan Turner halfcourt shot over Stu.

6. Bill Martin's sail boat.

Ben from SF

November 23rd, 2010 at 8:34 PM ^

  1. Catherine McKinnon and Ann Coulter
  2. Ed Martin, Perry Watson, and Chris Webber
  3. Bus system to North Campus
  4. Parking, Parking, and Parking
  5. Math 215 TAs...  does any of them speak English?