Three #1s: Elysee Mbem-Bosse to also wear #1

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on

Rumored for a long time and now confirmed with the photoshoot.

Team graphic designer Aaron Bills sent every player a graphic with their name and number on it in the new uniform.

Eubanks and Crawford are both #1, but now it appears EMB is also #1. Only the second defensive player to ever wear the number in the two platoon era of football.

My understanding of the numbers is that there will be 2 to 3 players at a number. If they see the field, they'll change numbers so it won't be a penalty.

For example, Kinnel was #17 last year (same as Canteen). Then his redshirt was burned,so he switched to #23.

So technically, we have three #1s. It will likely be shortened to just two, one on offense and one on defense.


#Boss #Goblue

— Need nobody but God (@ElyseeBoss) August 2, 2016