meta: no chatsports

Submitted by Brian on

Chatsports has an article up claiming inside information about Kareem Walker. It means nothing other than the author is extrapolating from the information we all know. They continually "break news" that is just them guessing when things are heading in a certain direction. It is the Ace Williams site, though they've abandoned that nom de plume.

Don't post links to it. 


October 14th, 2015 at 2:44 PM ^

Disclaimer: Yeah. I know. Apologies.

Are you familiar with any of the recent stories/court cases regarding the NSA and its collection of telephony metadata? I'm going to assume yes and try to use it as a relatable pop culture example.

Let's say you call your mom to say happy birthday. The data is the content of the call itself, you and her talking. Metadata is data about the call, or data about data. Metadata includes things like the sending and receiving phone numbers, time, duration, cell towers pinged, ect.

When someone makes a meta thread, we're not talking about whether Connor Cook is going to get sacked over and over, the site itself is the topic. Same for searching through metadata, the call isn't the issue, the data about the call is.

Let's say you made a thread every week where you correctly predicted the score of whatever games. That's just a normal (albeit exceptional) thread. If I were to make a thread about how you made threads correctly predicting the score each week, that thread is meta because it's referring back to something about the site itself.

I hope that clarifies the concept a little.