
November 30th, 2019 at 3:39 PM ^

The shitty thing is that we don't get better against osu.  Don't even think about 2020 as we face them at home. Wtf makes you think we'll be that much better against them?  They'll have even better athletes, more discipline, better insight into their program, and comfort of knowledge in what to expect out of us.  Gattis is a good addition I say.  I think Don needs to be set out to pasture. Harbaugh? I just don't know if he gets it.  He seems to literally know how to lose, but not how to win. Hard to describe it.


November 30th, 2019 at 3:47 PM ^

DT recruiting. Couldn't stop the run b/c we just don't have any big boys.

Lots of self-destruction too, but ultimately if we can't stop the run, all the rest is window dressing.