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"A wounded dog will "A wounded dog will holler" reply (the insult)was aimed at all who have "pecked" their negative thoughts towards a high school athlete trying to succeed at a sport he anonymity here, just pride in the accomplishments of my nephew; you would be too, if it were yours.
get it right.... If ignorance is bliss you must be overwhelmingly I scroll the blogs and see the stupidity that is displayed by the ill-informed, I shake my head. My nephew, Munchie Legaux is a still a child and most of you are bleacher atheletes with zero experience...Munchie made a life-altering decision when the toughest decision most of you have to make each day is which cereal you're gonna eat for breakfast/lunch. I'm confident that he will make significant strides at CU both athletically and academically...and BTW Munchie LEGAUX is not cajun, he's, get it right next time.....