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Agree with comment that this…

Agree with comment that this post reeks of classism with a heaping dose of narcissism. I have been at Michigan home games where they are losing to MSU and student section chants include "that's alright, that's okay, you're going to work for us someday". smh...Karma is a bitch.

There are plenty of blue collar UM fans that are good regular folks. But then there's an absolutely insufferable, egotistical, self important group of UM grads that write-off every stupid loss claiming they are indeed superior & that's why they can't win. Let's all just admit that UM accepts only the top 6% of College admissions test scores. Their average is high & so are the IQ's. Yay for UM!  They are indeed the Ivy League of the Midwest. Then why watch football & ever expect to win?! UM is the greatest academic school in the history of the big10 & maybe the world...then why can't your uber intelligent head coach figure out how to motivate & scheme against tOSU? Because that's how you got beat.

To claim institutional superiority & stringent standards as the reason your football team cannot be elite is absolutely the biggest cop out in the history of sport & the rivalry.  Is that what it's really come to? Why even play THE game?  UM is superior academically & tOSU is superior on the football field, let's just give OSU the win & move on.

Well if UM is such a great school & hold their football players to those higher standards, then why can I still not understand 1/2 the things that Desmond says on Game Day?  Why are some of the most intelligent, well-spoken, sports announcers that are former college players from tOSU? 

Your assumption that all elite schools are paying players & violating other rules may be correct. But if you think UM (& other non-elite schools) don't do the same things you're smokin somethin.  I lived there in the 80's and watched the fab 5 driving around in Cadillacs with $1000 gold chains around their necks. Gimme a break & lose the holier than thou facade. It seems that OSU began getting the better recruits during the span of time OSU started owning the rivalry.  Success breeding more success. Is it possible that if UM started preparing better & winning THE game that more elite athletes would want to come there? hmmmm

UM gets beat every year by OSU because of karma & because they refuse to  admit THE game is anything but another game. Harbaugh refuses to accept actual responsibility & you can tell by the way he is usually full of excuses (or a deer in headlights) and NO solutions.  If I were you I would stop making excuses for Harbaugh & start demanding real answers & change or else quit watching football. You know what the definition of insanity is...