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Oh MGoTate...

MGoTate, you were really MGofun to MGowatch here at MGoMichigan.  That MGogame against Notre Dame was MGoamazing.  I can't MGoforget the MGogame against Indiana, or the near MGocomeback against MSU, or any of his MGogood MGoshowings last MGoyear.  He'll always be the MGorecord holder for MGocompletion MGopercentage, at least until MGoShoelace, or someone else MGobreaks that MGorecord!

We'll always MGohave Darius Fleming's MGojockstrap...


This MGosubject has MGogotten pretty MGoold with so many MGothreads MGostarted on it.  In fact, this is the MGosecond MGopost you've MGoposted on this MGotopic, MGoRationalMSUFan.  Also, is an MGoRationalMSUFan even MGopossible???

I MGothink that THJr will

I MGothink that THJr will MGocarry us to the MGoB1G MGoChampionship MGoGame this MGoyear.  He's so MGoexplosive.  I MGothink the MGoreal MGocatalyst to the MGoseason, though, will be, as most MGopeople MGothink, the MGopointguard.  I do MGohope that Trey Burke gets the most MGoplayingtime among the MGopoints.  Stu should be MGospotting up, running around MGoscreens.