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6 years 5 months

Recent Comments

Date Title Body
48.22% Able to vote on Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Google Chrome; clear browsing history and try to vote again; if initially not able to vote again, wait a few minutes then try again. Remember to vote on ALL your devices. Only 45 minutes remaining to vote!
48.0% Keep voting everyone!
Voting ends 12:59 pm EDT Today If you clear your browsing history, you can often vote more than once on the same device. If not right away, try again later before 12:59 pm EDT.
Slipped a bit to 46.94% Only today and tomorrow/Wednesday until 12:59 pm ET remaining to vote. West Virginia fans supporting their candidate appear to be voting in force! Vote on ALL your devices each day and ask your family & friends to vote as well. If you clear your browsing history, you can often vote more than once on the same device per day; if not initially - wait a few hours and try again.
Luke now at 46.40% Trending strongly - keep voting everyone!
Vote on ALL your devices You can vote DAILY on your smart phone + tablet + laptop computer + work PC, etc. Also ask your family & friends to support Luke as well. I've also discovered you can frequently vote more than once on the same device per calendar day if you clear your browsing history. Time is running out - this round of voting ends Wednesday at 12:59 pm ET. Please vote!