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Still no cigar

Thanks for tracing and converting this font. It still falls short of the traditional letterforms, though. The most egregious offender is the all-important block M, whose midpoint shouldn't come close to—much less touch—the baseline.

The letterforms are also thin. It's as if their centers need to touch the ground for support lest they bend or collapse. It belies the "brick and wrought iron" indestructible image Nike claims to support and convey.

The face you use for the MGoBlog masthead is good. Superstar M54 is decent, but too narrow. In the '90s I used to use Casady & Greene's "Collegiate."


There's a difference between coming back home from the Super Bowl 49ers and coming home from the Aztecs that might easily be reflected in a coach's attitude. Beyond that, it's pointless to dwell on this aspect of the past.