January 19th, 2010 at 7:09 PM ^

"moderate ligament damage"? It's obviously great that he doesn't need surgery and will be back even before the end of EPL, but I hope this doesn't suggest persistent problems to come over time. Like, "he doesn't NEED surgery, but it would probably help down the line." Anyway, hooray for not starting Conor Casey against England!


January 20th, 2010 at 12:22 AM ^

That's good news, hope he heals quick enough to get back in form. Riddle me this, why did it take so long for the test results to come out? If a football player gets hurt in the US we usually know what the damage is during at some point during later in the game (thanks Erin Andrews/Suzy Kolber/Michele Tafoya/etc)or at the latest on SC that night.