David Brandon at meeting for ushers this morning

Submitted by VictorsValiant09 on

I attended the mandatory meeting for ushers this morning (for some extra cash this fall), and we were graced with David Brandon's presence. After explaining how administrators visited Notre Dame to inspect their luxury boxes, he said, and I quote: "We beat their asses in that, too."

Other, pertinent info: New scoreboards are likely going to be installed by 2011; potential to add 5,000 more seats, as well.


July 19th, 2010 at 3:11 PM ^

I was at the same meeting, I am going to be a ticket taker for the first time this year.  Human memory is imperfect, but I thought he was saying that they would be looking at the issue of replacing the scoreboards in 2011, not making the actual replacment in that year, although the pharasing may have been a bit ambiguios.  I expect that a proposal will go before the regents about the new scoreboards sometime during calander year 2011 that would detail when the project will occur and its cost.  They may be working on such a proposal now.  Then there would be a proposal to expand seating after that project.  For now, they are intent on repainting and expanding most of the bowl seats and widening the aisles and adding handrails over the next 2-3 off seasons.


I would expect proposals for both issues to be presented during that seat re-arranging and widening process and expansion to happen after that is completed.  The scoreboards would happen before further expansion, but not before the 2011 season begins.

Just what I took away from the meeting, I could be wrong, I didn't record it.


There is a second meeting for ushers on Aug 7 for those that couldn't be at this one on July 17, perhaps he will restate it and another mgouser will be there.