It's Gameday!

Submitted by GoWings2008 on
Already up and ready to go! Two questions: A) What's in your cup/glass this morning? And 2) How will you spend the time between now and kickoff?


September 17th, 2016 at 11:06 AM ^

Drinking coffee. I was going to work on some home repair outside, but the wife just cut her finger and it won't stop bleeding. So I am doing her housework for now and we will see about the finger later.  

Reflecting on how Michigan defensively just destroyed Colorado in '97 and how I would like this game to be even more impressive.


September 17th, 2016 at 2:05 PM ^

Random question that doesn't deserve its own thread: which #5 would you rather have - mccaffrey or peppers? I continue to watch these Stanford clips in preparation for the usc game and the moves mccaffrey has make him look like what it would be like if jabrill was on offense full time. I still gotta go with jabrill since he is so dynamic on defense and his intensity/leadership, but imagine what it would be like with mccaffrey as the our rb. Unstoppable

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