image-6_thumb_thumb5_thumb_thumb_thu_4Seth and Dr. Sap return for a second season of The Teams, brought to you by…

The Sponsor: With a 10-year treasury low rates are about to follow, so if you're buying a home soon or looking to refinance, you should talk to Matt Demorest at HomeSure Lending now and see if you can't lock that baby in. In addition to being more ethical, knowledgeable, hands-on, intelligent, and fun to work with, Matt also never royally screwed over John Beilein in a failed bid to upset Michigan's basketball program.

Previously: 1901, 1925, 1932, 1947, 1950, 1964, 1976, 1980, 1988, 1999

Special Guest this Week: Craig Ross, who was merely a 2,850-year-old druid when…


(starts at 0:45)


Composite of the Harvard-McGill game, courtesy of the McCord Museum at McGill

Everything you think you know is wrong. Field and town games were purposely ignored through history, which puts a shroud over our records of these games going on in myriad forms throughout the Middle Ages. The American tradition comes out of England. We track the history of baseball because they're linked and it got there first. "Football" refers to all the soccer- and rugby-like games played with a large ball as opposed to "Handball" which used a smaller ball or "Stickball" from which tradition comes field hockey.

[Hit THE JUMP for the player and rest of the writeup]