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Two Extra Hockey Tickets

I have an extra pair of tickets for the hockey game on Saturday night. The tickets are in a Michigan Section (109), Row 20. Face value is $55. If you're interested, send me an email, kbchung8 at

Prague-Expats BBQ Bar

I'm a long time lurker, but I wanted to post in order to save some people from the wild goose chase I went on in Prague in order to watch the game against App State. Not a Michigan bar per se, but they will stream games over their IPTV for you. Soccer is still king in the bar, but the owners are both from the US and are football fans. Definitely a bit away from the main square, but they were more than accommodating for me to watch the game there this past weekend. 

Expats BBQ Bar
Oldřichova 5/822
Prague, Czech Republic
+420 776 678 602

I was actually just looking

I was actually just looking at tickets for this now.  I like in Arlington and am trying to figure out if it would be better to go with the Bus & Ticket package being offered by the DC Alum Association or head down on my own.  The game being on a Tuseday makes it more difficult to get there.