OT/META - UGP, a shirt, and helping Ann Arbor businesses

Submitted by JeepinBen on March 30th, 2020 at 3:24 PM

Blog sponsor Underground Printing is offering a way to help many local Ann Arbor businesses:

100% of net proceeds from each sale will go directly toward participating businesses listed below to aid in financial relief for their employees affected by the unfortunate circumstances we are all in. You can also find links below to donate to existing fundraising campaigns specific for each business. Support all these businesses by getting a shirt here: http://ugp.io/a2hospitality

Here's the link to all the businesses: https://undergroundshirts.com/pages/ann-arbor-hospitality-fundraiser-participating-businesses

Looking at the list, it was just about every Ann Arbor spot I miss. I realize that everyone has their own level of financial comfort and uncertainty at this point, but if you can help this seems like a way to help lots of places and people.

Orders close at midnight tonight.


March 30th, 2020 at 4:34 PM ^

Never realized until recently just how many small businesses run close to the edge financially. Being an entrepreneur is a popular idea these days, but being in business by yourself sure is a ton of work and a ton of risk. Tough to make it.