OT: Favorite Corporate Recruiting Event

Submitted by umich1 on

Just curious, what was everybody's favorite corporate recruiting event they went to while up at school in Ann Arbor?  I remember from my past year of a job search as a senior that they varied tremendously, from bowling and whirlyball to lectures and seminars! 

The recruiter for the company I work for (a professional services firm) has begun trying to make plans for their annual recruitment of Michigan Students, and asked me what 'fun' ideas I could come up with, that would be particularly local and unique for Michigan students.  Any ideas? 

Unfortunately for me, I went to more of those McKinsey-styled lectures so I don't have many good experiences to draw from.  Thanks for the feedback and memories!

david from wyoming

June 24th, 2010 at 8:14 PM ^

Free food. And enough free food that you don't run out within 10 minutes. And not crappy free food that students can afford themselves, get something nice.

03 Blue 07

June 24th, 2010 at 9:35 PM ^

Because, after all, you want to know if you'd want to hang out with these kids, right? That means, get 'em drunk. I mean, we can all use more drinking buddies...No, seriously. If it were me, that's what i'd do. But that's probably because I'm still in my 20's.

In all honesty, when i did these things for law school, the only "cool" one that stuck out was held at Dominick's. And that earned major points; when they offered a summer job, I accepted. They definitely started off well in my book by going with Dominick's.


June 24th, 2010 at 9:50 PM ^

Seems hard to provide alcohol when half the candidates aren't 21.  They recruit sophomores and juniors for internships, too.

No doubt Dominicks has one of the best cultures on campus, I just struggle to come up with a feasible way to take advantage.

I've considered a few things, but I'm leaning towards a froyo mixer event for my final suggestion.  Although the BBQ inside the bighouse wasn't a bad idea!

03 Blue 07

June 24th, 2010 at 10:28 PM ^

We were in law school. But I had two section mates who weren't 21 when we began, actually (yeah, those kids graduated high school and undergrad early. I felt dumb). So I guess that's why it was done that way-- everyone was "of age." In fact, every law school function like these was at a place that served alcohol, and they'd have to pull some strings if any of the under-21 people tried to come. But that's because there were like, literally, 2 of them in the entire law school of 1100 people. So it wasn't a major concern.


June 24th, 2010 at 10:36 PM ^

That definitely would be a good event for graduate recruiting!  All this talk about Dominiks is making me crave a pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and crushed red pepper...