Lanyard mini-programs?

Submitted by BlueFab5 on

I remember a user by the name of Lanyard Program that made mini-programs for the games and posted them on Scribd to download.

They were great for those of us who haven't memorized jersey numbers for the entire roster.   It looks like he/she hasn't posted anything since last season.  Anyone know what happened? 


September 22nd, 2015 at 2:10 PM ^

I was also thinking about the lanyard mini-programs. They were particularly good in their compact design. All the info at a glance. Miss those little guys . . .


September 24th, 2015 at 12:18 PM ^

I'm not entirely certain if you can make a diary with less than 100 points or not (I just hit 100 points after being on the blog for over 4 years). You deserve all of the upvotes for this, though, so see if you have a "Create content" on the side in the user section. Going forward you should probably post them, but I will do it if you don't want to.


September 24th, 2015 at 10:28 AM ^

Here's what I did for mine:

I may be in the minority on the color version, but I used these colors:

Maize Hex Color: RGB: (255,203,5)
Blue Hex Code: RGB: (0,39,76)
I was lazy and used a google search to find the RGB values from a random site.
edit: I think yours is a great format. Maybe the color situation can hold off until more people actually get on the train :)