kinda OT - sweet posts

Submitted by TrppWlbrnID on
i am decent with the internets, but i would like to know how to make sweet posts with pictures and/or videos in them. i have looked all over the faqs and past posts, but can't figure it out. any help? i promise i won't abuse my newfound powers. if you prefer to email it to me, i can give you an email address by request or something, to keep trolls from knowing the secrets. you will not be disappointed for telling me


December 18th, 2009 at 11:37 PM ^

I use to upload pictures. Then you take that html code and post the text it gives you on the blog. After you post that, your picture will appear.


December 18th, 2009 at 11:56 PM ^

Sweet posts are never off topic. ...check that...except when you are waiting to see if Michigan can score a major upset and land Tony Jefferson and/or Kenny Stills tonight at 9pm PST. Why am I so obsessed? Please help me. I have a problem.