Fully Swag-acious

Submitted by Totally2 on
Blue Dudes and Dudettes,

I would like to address the need for Michigan players to actualize their empowering feelings of swag-aciousness. I'm talking about confidence, swagger. These kids, and the coaches, too, are going to be nervous on August 30th. Hell, the fans are nervous. (More nervous about Utah and Notre Dame than Global Heating . . . what a species.)

I'm making a plea for generous, loving fan support of these kids who have worked so damn hard. We can't be sunshine patriots, latent adults, morons with attitude when kids drop passes, fumble, miss tackles, go offsides, etc. We have to cheer for our team and carry them through their mistakes, show the love even when they make mistakes. This will help our players play less tight, more fluidly, more aggressively, more swag-aciously. They'll be having fun rather than "hoping not to fail." The hormonal release generated by swag-aciousness means neurons will fire faster and cleaner, thereby generating more veracious messages to the muscles.

Furthermore, my blue fannies, I audaciously venture to speculate that most of the adults fans have made mistakes in their lives, though not in front of 100,000 screaming people and millions more on TV. Why just last week I crunched a squirrel under my car while making an illegal U turn. Later, I had a disparaging thought about the 350lb woman in front of me at the liquor store who dropped her debit card and couldn't pick it up. (And I wasn't even nervous.)

So, while I realize that losses negatively impact the testosterone levels of male fans, please, support the kids, especially the QBs, and help build their schwag.




August 24th, 2008 at 12:52 AM ^

Although, the "swag" thing is bothersome.  To me "swag" is really, really cheap weed.  And I'm not a pot head!  Sure, I've "inhaled"...but I've never purchased the goods.  So....yeah....not a big smoker here.  But, again, "swag"?  Dude, that word souldn't be thrown around.  Maybe I hung out with too many brahs.

OK.....as for the rest......agreed!  I hate the "BBBOOOOOOO" people.  They really really really bug me.  Don't boo college kids!!  It's not right.  Especially not this season!  It's going to be hard enough this year.  Anyone that boo's at a game in my general area (section 20 yo) this year will get a stern look.....guaranteed!  Watch it!  Some skinny nerd will look at you with contempt!  yeah.  Suck on that.

chitownblue (not verified)

August 24th, 2008 at 12:16 PM ^

In college, we referred to bad, Mexican weed as "swag". I'll support that definition.

Note: I went to Michigan, and was not in a fraternity. So I don't THINK I'm a "brah". I don't have a tribal armband tatoo OR pop the collar on my polo shirts.