Frank Clark Victim of Domestic Violence

Submitted by mgeauxblu85 on

I am sickened by reading the press release from Michigan Head Coach Brady Hoke and overall reactions from Frank Clark's arrest. Here we see the "domestic violence industry" at its finest. Hoke rattles off the fact the team discusses domestic violence several times a year and tells the media Hoke is married and has a couple of daughters. Hoke says all the right things for the women's studies department and paints the picture that domestic violence is only a man striking a woman. Hoke doesn't explain how he educates his "sons" on picking the right partner. I can only imagine that's because Brady Hoke doesn't educate his "sons" on how to pick the right partner.

The media, "gender" studies, Brady Hoke, ect wants you to believe domestic violence only occurs when a man strikes a woman when in fact women commit domestic violence at the same rate as men (…). Hoke discussed waiting until "the facts" came in before any decision would be made regarding Frank Clark and less than 24 hours later he took the easy way out and dismissed Clark. Hoke didn't want to deal with the feminists on campus who would procede to crucify him for defending his player. So Hoke didn't: he shipped Clark down shit creek without a paddle while smiling for the camera.

According to the Detroit News (…) Frank Clark and Diamond Hurt had an altercation. Miss Hurt ADMITS to throwing a remote at Clark and then BITING his nose. I'll ask how many of you would not strike a person who was biting your nose? Perhaps the correct way for Clark to handle the situation would be to allow Miss Hurt to bite his nose off. After all it's only violence if he touches her. She can bite, scratch, throw objects, ect but this man defended himself. How fucking dare he!

Lloyd also spoke about domestic violence several times a year. Lloyd said if you are ever in a heated situation with a woman you need to remove yourself from the area right away. This is sound advice since a male will almost always get arrested even if he is the victim. How often do you hear "never hit a woman" the saying isn't "don't hit anybody" it's don't hit a woman. This is a generic, ridiculous comment as it tells you not to even defend yourself if a woman is the aggressor.

I was a victim of domestic violence while I was at Michigan. My girlfriend showed up at my appartment stinking drunk and ready to pick a fight. I'm 6'4 and she was 5'4. I met her at the door and told her that she could not come inside but I would bring her personal items outside to her. My girlfriend decided to sucker punch me in the face and try to force her way inside. The punch infuried me but I did not retaliate because I knew that I would be arrested and she would be a hero in the Michigan Daily. Her friends got out of the car and RAN TO ME yelling "you better not touch her". She forced her way inside as the only way I could keep her out was to get more aggressive than I was comfortable with. She proceded to put holes in my door and when I touched her shoulder to try and get her away she stumbled and fell. It was at this time she treatened to call the police on me. This girl had punched me in the mouth and damaged my apartment I did nothing but try to keep her from causing further damage and if the poice would have showed up they would have arrested me.

I bring this story up because we are not educating our young men on domestic violence we are only telling them they are the aggressors. Frank Clark should have left the moment the remote was thrown. He should have let Miss Hurt pitch her fit, throw things at him, ect and the only way he can win in that situation is to walk away. Even if he did it might have been too late. I've seen her pictures and her cheeck was bleeding a bit. Maybe that wouldnt have happened if she didn't bite Frank's nose. If this was your son how would you feel? Sometimes we pick the wrong partners.

I'll agree that Frank Clark shouldn't have touched her but I'll also say she has no right to throw an object at him or bite his nose. Hoke I am disgusted with. Did he kick Taylor Lewan off the team for hitting an Ohio State fan? The OSU fan just said something to Lewan. If anything Lewan should have been kicked off the team as well but since he hit a male the issue wasn't a big deal. I'd argue Lewan's situation was worse. Striking a man because he is talking shit verses defending yourself after you've had something thrown at you and clamping down on your nose.

I know this thread won't be popular because of the knee jerk reaction anybody gets when they see domestic violence. I would ask that you try and imagine your son in this situation with some woman throwing things at them and even biting them. How many of yu would not defend yourself? Why do we not teach our young men how to pick the correct partner and why do we give free passes to woman who start the violence?