Any good news to share?

Submitted by Crime Reporter on
Good afternoon to all. I had a rough night, and I was hoping someone could share some good news on the recruiting trail or just in general. I spent many of the early hours at the emergency vet, and ended up putting a dog to sleep. I'm on break from covering an ongoing murder trial here, so I needed my fix. Thanks for reading, and sorry this isn't about anything related to football.

Craven Morehead

January 28th, 2009 at 1:18 PM ^ your dog? Best way to help ease the pain is to go out and get a new puppy. It cures all. I know.

Crime Reporter

January 28th, 2009 at 1:20 PM ^

She had been vomiting feces and blood since Sunday all over the house. The doc said her system was shutting down, so I made the call to put her to sleep. I feel like an asshole for doing it, but I could tell she was suffering.

Craven Morehead

January 28th, 2009 at 1:27 PM ^

You did the right thing for several reasons but the main thing is because there was no need to keep her suffering. What breed was she? And sorry, no real news to give you other than what I posted about Tate that I heard on the radio. Seems that people take UN WAY too seriously and like to shoot the messenger. It's almost like some of the UM fans on here are slowly morphing into OSU fans. How pathetic.

Crime Reporter

January 28th, 2009 at 1:31 PM ^

I appreciate your condolences. She was a poodle. I grew up with her, but she wasn't really my dog per se. I own a Siberian Husky. The poodle had become my grandma's dog, until she passed away last month. It's just a shitty situation. I've had to do this before and I hated myself for it. Now, part of me wishes I could've held off, but I know it would've ended the same. Sorry for the thread guys


January 28th, 2009 at 1:27 PM ^

I had all the intentions of making some smart ass comment about asking for information but now after reading I understand your desperation for good news. Putting my dog to sleep was one of the worst days I have had to experience.

Rush N Attack

January 28th, 2009 at 1:56 PM ^

I just lost my dog of 14 yrs last Saturday night. Thankfully, we did not have to make any decisions, as he went peacefully during the night. I would have been a wreck (even more so) if it had come to that. Trust me, I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel better, but at least they are no longer suffering. Again, please accept my condolences.


January 28th, 2009 at 2:16 PM ^

My dad had two guard dogs and found both of them dead last month with blood coming out of their mouths. We were guessing they got poisoned. Anyways, if you like snow its snowed in the midwest I guess?