
the map 6-12

If you haven’t noticed on the board, all summer we’ve been playing a game of internet Risk versus the rest of college football on Reddit. Last night—as part of what I’m sure Craig Ross will attribute to the Capron Conspiracy—Michigan got hosed by the luck aspect of the game as Ohio State won a bunch of 80-20 contests and swept the 50-50 ones. In retaliation, I would like the MGoCommunity to descend upon this game like a plague of locusts on a bespoke football content magazine.

A cadre of users are standing by to coordinate this attack, and I’m offering 200 MGoPoints to the daily MVP, plus a copy of any back edition of Hail to the Victors to five random soldiers if we win the thing by July 3. Join us (for like 2 minutes) as we make a frivolous digital map maize and blue with five easy steps:

  1. Sign up for a account if you don’t have one already
  2. Visit " go to “find by conference," click “FBS” then “Big 10” and finally “Michigan” to set yourself as a member of our team. Click “Update Flair” to set it.
  3. Visit and click “Get Order!”
  4. Click the blue chessboard beneath the logo that you’re meant to attack/defend to take you to the game.
  5. Scroll down, now, and on the right hand side of the screen, you will see the options that you can attack or defend. Click the one that you were assigned to.

Emphasis on #3 because we want this to be coordinated and don’t want people attacking our allies like Clemson, GT, Florida, and Texas.